Thursday, March 6, 2014

What does He reveal?

Something that has been, for lack of better words, haunting me, is the constant life question, as a follower of Christ, "How am I supposed to live?" It's a straight forward question to the mind, answered by, "like Christ lived." Its a great response but then its lacking in application living through day to day interactions with God and others. In the States we are more than blessed to have such free access to the Bible. Most of us have two or three of them, maybe more. A non-christian may have one or two lying around their home as well. The Bible is the written revelation of God and a guide to how we are each personally supposed to live, but I feel we (Christians) look over and past it way too often.

This morning I sat down on my couch in my living room to read my bible, write in my journal and to talk to God. I tend to express my most vulnerable thoughts in my journal, and this morning this is what it reads, "I continually struggle to know how to live my life. To live above expectations and honor of men and live only for the Glory of the Lord. I'm divided because of what the Bible says, how man interprets in, and then what alone does God say. Above the interpretation of man is the revelation of God. What does the Bible say and what does God reveal through it?"
Its really easy to get caught up in what respected men and women say about God and what they have interpreted in the Bible and taught to others. If I had not been encountered by God and He had not spoken to me that first time and I not heard him, I would still be following the teachings of men and the religious church rather than the teaching of Jesus and His Bride who is the true church. Its no fault to man for our ignorance, but many of us are not ignorant to the truth and yet we get distracted by the customs and traditions of men which successfully diminished the power and will of God in the church today. Therefore every sunday is the same, a feel good powerless meeting at most. 

God doesn't want this for us. He wants us to live fully, in our new lives in Christ, abundantly. We have been given, to each of us young and old, the fullness of the Holy Spirit, which is wisdom, revelation, power, love and a sound mind. Instead of relying on the interpretation of men, rely on the revelation of God. Jesus would not entrust Himself to any man because He knew what was in each of us. He did not need our approval. Why do we need the approval of men? We don't. Then why do we seek it? We forget what we have. 

Each of us as believers carry a testimony of how God works and that is more powerful than any testimony that man can give. Its our duty to carry the testimony of God in our lives. For me personally, I forget what I carry and the power of what I carry, so I run to man for approval more often than I run to God. Its important for me to remember the truth and live how God tells me to live, not how man expects me to live. And for me to remember that, I need to go to God everyday and listen to what He tells me by His Spirit and follow and obey Him and Him alone. Jesus said it a lot, "I tell you the truth..." He is the truth, He is the light, He is the way.

Should we Love honor and respect men? Yes, but not above God. In the same way God first loved us we should first love, honor, and respect God. Then we are able to purely love, honor, and respect men, because we went to the Source for these things. 

Part one of living fully and abundantly: Listen to Jesus our Savior, not the world, because He tells me the truth.

God, help me. Help me to hear your voice above the world and above what others say. Let me rely solely on your Spirit to walk with me day to day, moment to moment. Remind me that I am filled and not being filled. God, purify my heart. Set a fire to burn away my flesh and my will, so that I may burn fully for you and you alone. 

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