Saturday, September 4, 2010


it is all about His glory and His presence
let us not get of track with all of the hubbub and head knowledge
all of the stupid stuff in life that falls short of his glory
we are made for Him by Him and in Him
and we know that nothing can separate us from Him, who He is, His name, His nature

we are made for His glory, to live in it, by it and through it and nothing short of it
it is what we call the fullness

yes all have sinned and fallen short
Jesus picked us back up and lifted us up with Him
for the wages of sin is death
have we not died with Him?
i have come so that they may have life and life to the full
have we not risen with Him in new life?
has He not paid for every sin every transgression ever wrong every fault every wound every scar every drop of blood spilt by another humans hands

then why do we keep ourselves from what was purchased for us by saying we are not worthy or deserving
yes we were sinners but He saw his children whom he formed whom he loved loves and loves and said

you are worth it
if you were the only one it would be worth it to send my son to die on the cross
this is how much i love you
i would have sent many many sons to pay for each and every one of your sins to restore you back to me to heal you from eternal separation
but my sons perfect blood pays for all
now you are all my sons all my daughters
the very glory of Emanuel is within you
now fill and subdue the earth have dominion and rule over the creatures of the earth the animals of the water earth and sky

it is His glory that changes us, His presence that covers us
why spend one more moment away from what we were restored to?
we are not sinners we are saints
we are not servants we are sons
we are a holy priesthood
we are not of this world we are in this world

in him we live and move and have our being

do not conform to the world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind
just as Jesus was transformed on the mount of transfiguration as he met moses and elijah, the law and the prophets, in the sight of his disciples we too are transformed or transfigured in the glory of the Lord

we are not to act like Jesus
we are to be Jesus
the only way to be changed, is to be transformed by the glory of the Lord
we must be a people who know the glory of the Lord
we must be a people who look intently into the face of God
we must be a bride readied for the groom
we must be a wife who is the glory of her husband
we must be a people who refuse to again be put under a yoke of slavery, of legalism, of religion, of rules, of regulations
Jesus never came to start a religion or to gain as many followers as possible or to get as many people possible to agree with him
He came for the world that he loved, the hypocrites, the pharisees, the politicians, the whores, the sluts, the scum bags, the dictators, the nazis, the slaves, the terrorists, the witches, the warlocks, the evil, the wrongdoers, the liars, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the sodomites, the porn stars, the walking dead, he came for his children.

So that we might be His glory on earth as it is in heaven.

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