Saturday, January 30, 2010

things not spoken of

there are things still not spoken of
there are things that are to remain unheard
secrets that are to remain mysteries
which ushers in the question of why i write to reveal a mystery of keeping a secret
if i do or do not the paradox remains

but what is revealed in secret is to remain in secret
to reveal a secret and announce it in openness is to shame the author

mysteries are for lovers
secrets are for friends
one is holy
two is not
it is in the secret place that mysteries are revealed
because it is the secret place that birthed them
they are holy because they are one
not because they are multiple

secrets are belligerently fun when kept in confidence
confidence is knowing

why spread what is unique

to make known the unknown is to decrease the value in knowing it

what is holy should remain holy

secrets are for lovers
for love happens in secret
therefore the value of love is high
therefore love is unique
therefore love is holy

love is not needed by all
yet wanted by all
love is covetous
love is fashioned by one
and received by one
love is one
it is not two

what shall we compare love to

the vast oceans in its abundance
the singleness of its gathering to one place
the multiplicity of multitudes

the trees of the forest
rooted in one ground
the closeness of many

the mountains of the earth
standing higher than all
going deeper than all
unchanging and unwavering

be thou my vision oh love of my life
dost thou toss and turn by visions of me
never leave me nor forsake me
for i toss and turn by visions of thee
make me like a tree
one that stands tall
that does not fall
what else can i be

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