Saturday, July 25, 2009

5,000 years for love to return.

I am stricken deeply with love.

Holy is written on my four limbs.

I fear for my life, lest I perish without knowing the abounding love that has waited for me. How should I respond? I do not know how. What true patience that my love would wait centuries and millennia loving me in hope of me loving in return. And in a time so short. What if I had never found out? What if He had never told me? What love it truly is.

My longing for love is so much deeper than I know. I ponder things that may satisfy, but they will not fulfill. How many times have I broken your heart? But now I will never leave you or forsake you. How pleasant it is to be loved and to love in return. I will never turn my back on you I will love you with all that I am and all that is within me. You are the one my heart aches. I have returned to you and you have returned to me. How Much? How Long? It does not matter. What if life quilted for but love? What dost thou have? Everything. What's in your hand?

I have been taken into your love like a thief who has no regard for the previous owner.

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